
A collaborative tool for Systematic Literature Review and Systematic Mapping Study

Thanks For


Porifera is developing during the doctorate course of Thiago Campos in the Post Graduate Program in Informatics at UFPR.

I thanks the advisors Natasha Valentim (UFPR) and Eduardo Damasceno (UTFPR) also Anderson Burnes (colleague), the first users of the application.

They were the first to try and test the tool. They also contributed with suggestions and identified problems.

Open Source Projects

The following projects were used in this application. To its developers and contributors, our thanks.

Back-End: PHP Language, MariaDB, Slim Framework, Twig, Migrations, PHPSpreadSheet, League/CSV, PHPUnit, ...

Front-End: Academicons, Bootstrap, CKEditor, ClipboardJS, DayJS, Popover, SweetAlert, Tagify, ...


The following services, offered free of charge or partially free of charge, are also used and we thank their maintainers.

Google Cloud, Google Translator, Google Analytics, Hotjar, Rollbar, Crosscite, Datamuse, Gravatar.